About us

About us:

يسير التميز للخدمات التجارية

شركة ناشنة مكونة من فريق ذو خبرة ويقدم خدماته باحترافية. تاسست عام 2022 لتكون جزء من تحقيق رؤية 2030 ولمواكبة التطور الرقمي لجميع القطاعات الحكومية. تعمل يسير على مساعدة رواد الأعمال على تيسير أحوال الموظفين . تطوير كوادر العمل وتنفيذ المعاملات الحكومية الخاصة بالشركة وموظفيها
Yesser works to help entrepreneurs facilitate the conditions of employees. Development of work cadres and implementation of government transactions for the company and its employees

Our goals


Develop the company's file and speed up completion of all governmental procedures on the electronic platform.


Develop the file of the establishment and speed up the completion of all government procedures on electronic platforms


Develop and organize the human resources management in order to improve the relationship between the company and its employees.

Our vision

Improve the working environments through the services rendered for helping the business leaders in management of the employees affairs and implementation of the governmental transactions and providing the consultancy services.


Yesser works to help entrepreneurs facilitate the conditions of employees. Development of work cadres and implementation of government transactions for the company and its employees